Oh My I Love Chiang Mai

Green Crystal Buddha

One of my favorite places I have been so far is Chiang Mai, Thailand. There is a little bit of everything, plenty to see, lots to eat, and just enough from home to be comfortable. I ended up staying in the old city. It is about a square mile with and old wall and moat around it. One day I took a walk around it. It was beautiful. You could see the old gates that still stood in place and imagine how magnificent it must have been hundreds of years ago. 

For being a big destination of course there were tours by the hundreds that you could take including a trip to an elephant sanctuary, a snake farm (no way!), and a play date with tigers. After long consideration I decided not to go see the elephants. I don’t think I could bear having to hear the heartbreaking stories of how they were mistreated and about the ones they couldn’t save. The other two were not even an option. So instead I spent my time walking through the city and visiting many of the beautiful wats. One day, Laura and I went to holiest wat in Thailand, Wat Suan Dok. It was on high on a mountain (I must say Asians like to put important things way up high) with beautiful views of the entire city. 

Stairs to Wat Suan Dok....Seriously!?!

In the jade factory, making a Buddha statue

Jade is a major enterprise being that Chiang Mai is so close to some of the largest mines of it in the world. At the top of the mountain, I took a tour of the jade factory then looked at a lot of jewelry and statues that I could not afford. I was able to find a small pendant with two different colors of green jade in my price range, so I got. Why not? 

Now speaking of shopping, I am a champ. So being in Chiang Mai on a budget was extremely tough. On Saturday and Sunday they have walking street markets and every other night of the week a huge night market. How fortunate was I to be there over the weekend? Mother nature did try to thwart my shopping by having it down pour every night. And I’m not talking just a little rain I’m talking the skies opened up on me. But no worries I will not and did not give up. I was able to do a considerable amount of damage to my budget. Looks like I’ll be eating even cheaper for awhile. Totally worth it though. I then mailed it all home via the surface mail. I should receive it in two to four months. 

Waiting out the rain in the walking market

Thanks to Laura and her tweeting skills, we were able to meet up with several expats that live there. First I met a family of three Jack, Aye, and Emma who is eight. Emma and I got along great since she loves to draw and play Uno. Then there is Bessie and Kyle who have been traveling for the last two years since they were married. They love board games and even introduced me to a new one- Settlers of Catan (Steele family take note). We had a game night and it was so much fun. And last we met Daniel, an amazing photographer and Lindsey, who has the best southern accent and reminded me so much of home. They are all such amazing people. I can definitely see why they have chosen Chiang Mai as their home for now. In fact it’s the only city so far that I could see myself staying in for awhile. But alas I must move on. I really do love it here and probably will be coming back someday. 

Candles for offering in Wat Suan Dok

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